12 of 12

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  • 11 of 11: when i say hello to 29

    woodycakes Feb 12, 2016 15:09

    And it's another year gone age-wise and I break my 12 of 12 to take 11 12 photos on the 11th of the month, because why not? How different from a year ago when I was looking for work and this year, I spent the day at work. It's funny how things turn out and interesting all the same ( Read more... )

    12 of 12, my birthday

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  • 12 of 12: When I somehow took pictures in between the hectic craziness

    woodycakes Jan 12, 2016 23:05

    Today was not an easy day. Tuesdays are the worst at work just because it's the marketing meeting in the morning and the Buying Directors meeting in the afternoon. And on top of that, I just was not feeling today. I was feeling confused, frustrated and was not up for bullshit. But of course, there was lots of bullshit (internally in myself and ( Read more... )

    12 of 12

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  • 12 of 12: When a Saturday at work was actually required

    woodycakes Dec 12, 2015 22:42

    Now that I work in e-commerce, my deadlines have gone from monthly (magazines), weekly (websites) and are now daily (campaigns). And so on the biggest sale day of the year (12.12), the marketing team was full force in the office. I have to say, it was kind of tough getting up on a Saturday but with booze and lots of pop music, we made it through ( Read more... )

    12 of 12

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  • 12 of 12: When I took a sick day from work

    woodycakes Nov 12, 2015 23:21

    So the weekend before the 12th of the November, my parents were in town and so was my good friend macysfields and so when the 12th rolled around, after much entertaining and having fun, my body finally gave in and I took a rest day. But my parents were still here, so it wasn't like I wouldn't see them at all. No of course not.

  • Take 12 photos on ( Read more... )

    12 of 12

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  • 12 of 12: When I had not quite a manic Monday

    woodycakes Oct 12, 2015 22:28

    I always look forward to the 12th of the month but after last month's more exciting edition, it's a little sad to go back to a 'normal' day in the office. Still, it's sure to be different from my other 12s in Manila considering I've been in Singapore for 10 months now.

  • Take 12 photos on the 12th of each month
  • Post the pictures ( Read more... )

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  • 12 of 12: When I was hallucinating in LA

    woodycakes Sep 12, 2015 23:34

    I've been doing 12 of 12's for quite a while now -- all the way back to 2009 (though I did one entry in 2007) so it's been 7 years of this meme and somehow I'm always home~ so to speak or at the office so it's the same photos all over again, even if I try my best to make it different ( Read more... )

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  • 12 of 12: When I didn't quite know what to do with myself

    woodycakes Aug 12, 2015 23:09

    As always, I didn't realise it was the twelfth for a bit after I woke up. Before going to bed, I knew it was the 12th, taking a late night cab going home, but waking up on the 12th, of course, it took a moment for me take stock and remember to take photos. Still, it wasn't a horrible day and as far as I'm concerned, that's a good day ( Read more... )

    12 of 12

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  • 12 of 12: Lots of naps, food and surprise visits

    woodycakes Jul 12, 2015 13:16

    Sundays are usually very very chill days for me but this one started with the tail end of my Saturday night out with a Filipino colleague who decided we needed to attend a Bastille Day event. I don't even speak french but there was cheese and wine and a pretty good band, so my Saturday night spilled very very slightly into Sunday early morning and ( Read more... )

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